Soul Circus and Thrivors – 6/21 reflections “Transformation”

I knew I had to do it. It was a cellular response. So I knew it would important on some level.

I had no idea it would be trans-formative.

I stepped in knowing I was in at least 3 of my less comfort zones
1. I’m not a big camping – more of a glamper.
2. I’m not a big crowds person, prefer intimidate small groups.
3. I like to know details, plans, schedule and what is expected.

I’m actually laughing as I write this??.

Turns out I love camping – I fell in love with my space called home, my cosy tent, all the elements and being on the earth.
The first day, I was like – how am I going to remember everyone’s name??? They are now all etched in my heart forever. The liquorice all sorts of humans, their stories, their gifts, their tears, fears, pains, laughter, fun and playfulness. Did you know that your heart has capacity for all that? Well, it does and more!
Diving into the unknown of what I was ‘meant’ to be doing led me on my most transformative process – surrendering and not being in charge of anything. Allowing form to unfold and being guided by my intuition.

We processed as individuals, as small groups, as feminine, as masculine, as community. I feel for the first time in my African life that I experienced Ubuntu and Ubunye.

I love you all for all your gifts and for holding me in your safe arms