Trans~for~ma~tion – finding the ease

Dragon flies, bees, butterflies and beetles……………..
Nature is full of transformation every moment of the day. It is a natural process that occurs without thought or analysis.  None of these incredible creatures say “ooohh this transformation thing is too difficult, I think ill just stay in my cocoon and wait it out”
No!  they just get on with it and then when they get to the other side they fly, flutter and sing with renewed joy.
At the tail end of a very deep transformation process, I sit gazing out my window at the beauty of the Aegean sea, mountains in the distance and pink oleander with all these beautiful creatures in abundance around me.  I have never seen so many dragon flies at once – I am mesmerized. The beetles signing loudly in the morning sun and the bees and butterflies enjoying the abundance of nectar from beautiful pink flowers.
A reminder that all is well and as it should be. A reminder that every moment of transformation is worth every moment of confusion, every tear, every ache in the heart and every release of that which no longer aligns.
A rebirth into my authentic self, a journey that has no end and it is filled with magic every step of the way.It may not be a pleasant or dignified process, this transformation journey.  At times it can be very messy and not that pretty.  But it is real and real is what counts.
Never turn away the invitation to step into that space of discomfort, or unknown– that’s where the gifts lie and my word, they are priceless gifts.
Some things I have learnt in my transformation journeys:
  • Surrender
  • Meditate
  • Take time out
  • Welcome support from your tribe
  • Move – dance, walk, yoga, swim
  • Listen to music that is balm for your soul
  • Listen to inspiring podcasts on subject matter you are transforming with
  • Be patient
  • Be grateful

Sending love and courage to all those transforming, stay the course, it is worth it.

I’d love to hear what tools you access to support you in your journey.

Much love and Gratitude


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